Giving to the library

Xiamen University Library is grateful for receiving  countless donations since it was founded. Donations include books, manuscripts  and other types of literature. Among the donors there are renowned experts and  scholars, friendly personages from mainland of China, other countries and  regions, faculties and students, alumni and alumnae of Xiamen University, and  many other people who are concern with XMU library as well.

XMU library warmly and sincerely welcomes  donations of all types of literature materials. Base on related collection  standard, library will determine to collect donated items or not. All those  collected donations belong to Xiamen University. XMU Library will dispose those  not reaching the donations standard in suitable way.

To make a donation, we can be reached as  the following ways:

For Domestic Donations

Book  donations
 Daojian ZHENG      Tel:  (86-592)-2187620

Periodical  donations
 Fengying WANG     Tel:  (86-592)-2184336

Address: Document Exchange, Acquisition Department,  Xiamen University Library,
 No. 422, Siming South Road, Xiamen 361005

For International Donations
 Juan Chen    
 Tel: (86-592)-2180878
 Address: Document Exchange, Acquisition  Department, Xiamen University Library,
 No. 422, Siming South Road, Xiamen 361005

Collection Policy for book  donations:
 (1)  Material is suit to the readers who reach college level or above.
 (2)  Haven’t been collected, or been collected but less than 5 duplicate.
 (3)  In good condition.
 Discard policies for donation  books haven’t been collected: giving to other libraries, priority to support  those university libraries in poor and rural areas.
 Welcome to walking in donation,  offering foreign donation info and affording transportation cost.