Rooms & Spaces of De’wang Library Guidelines

Based on our surveys and daily observation, in order to better meet the needs of various readers, all the spaces inside the library are classified into 5 types: Quiet Study Space, Writing and Study Space, Communication Commons and Electronic Equipment Area. Now we list the description and rules of every type of space below. Please follow the rules of certain type space. Respects for rules and other readers are important for building a harmonious and comfortable environment inside the library.

The library is welcome to feasible and operational comments and suggestions from all the readers. If you find someone behave uncivilized inside the library, you can remind him of the rules, stop him or notice the library staff.

Attention: because of our architectural characteristics, any sound around the Central Hall can travel fast to the upstairs and downstairs. So, please don’t make phone calls, speaking, reading aloud and so forth around the Central Hall of any floor.

Space Type




Writing and Study Space

Area A,3rd Floor

Writing, study, reading silently.

1) You can use your notebook computer, please tap the keyboard gently.

2) Don’t make phone calls, talk, read aloud and so forth.

Area A&B,4th Floor

Area A&C, 5th, Floor

Quiet Study Space

Area C, 3rd Floor

Study, reading silently.

1) Please don’t use your notebook computer.

2) Don’t make phone calls, talk, read aloud and so forth.

3) You can put your personal things regarding examination preparation on the Shelf 29 to Shelf 32, Section B, 5th Floor. Don’t put valuable things there. The library will clear these 4 shelves at the end of every semester.

Area C, 4th Floor

Area B, 5th Floor

Exam Preparation

Communication Commons

Area C, 2nd Floor.

Non independent discussion space

1) Small group discussion is allowed at Section C, 2nd Floor.

1) Please keep your voice down.

3) Some Parts of these spaces may be closed temporarily.

Group Study Rooms

Independent discussion space

Area D, 3rd Floor

1) You can make phone calls.

2) You can read in a low voice.

Area D, 4th Floor

Area D, 5th Floor

Electronic Equipment Area

Area A,2nd Floor

Desktop computer,Self-service printing system,Electronic newspaper reader,Self-service photo kiosk, etc.

1) Laptop computer allowed.

2) Don’t occupy a desktop computer but do things unrelated.

3) Desktop computer inside the New Technology Experience area is only for person who needs to use CD-ROM drive or the WIND Database.

4) During the lecture times inside the Information Literacy Classroom, please don’t come to it if you are not interested, and listener inside please don’t do things unrelated.

Featured rooms and spaces are listed below,for more details, please visit this website:





Information Literacy Classroom

Section A, 2nd Floor

Mathematics & Puzzles

Northwest corner ,5th Floor

Mini Cine

Section C, 2nd Floor

Xiang’shan Study

Section D, 5th Floor

Language Commons

Section C, 2nd Floor

Exhibition Space

Ordinary exhibition space(Southern part of Central Hall, 2nd Floor)

Photography Studio

Section D,3rd Floor

Art exhibition(Section D,3rd Floor)

Chess Room

Section D,3rd Floor

Special collection exhibition(Section D, 4th Floor)

Presentation Studio

Section D,3rd Floor

Eating Corridor

East of Northern Hall